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Hiking tours? Only in Salt Water Sandals!

Currently, the market is full of low-quality products that enchant with their aesthetics. Disappointment only comes after buying and losing money. When it comes to children's footwear, it is worth being especially careful, which is why at Miss Lemonade we have a very interesting offer for children and their parents: Salt Water leather sandals!

We will start with the history of the brand because it is very interesting and touching. The origins of Salt Water date back to 1940! And although the Second World War in Britain was different, the British also faced difficulties: including a shortage of goods that had until now been common. The founder of Salt Water was a loving father at the time. What does a loving parent do when a child needs something? It works! This is how the first Salt Water sandals were made - from scraps of animal skin and scrap metal. As you can guess, other parents quickly noticed the innovative sandals on the child's feet and asked the girl's father to do one for their children as well.

Man's ingenuity knows no bounds! And if he's honest, sustained success is a matter of time. Salt Water sandals are also very fashionable in 2021, which is already 81 years! Are you probably wondering if sandals are now also made of scrap and leftovers? Of course not! They are still leather sandals, but the scrap has been replaced with beautiful brass buckles and the scraps of leather with perfectly cut pieces. Today, Salt Water sandals are available in dozens of styles, sizes and colors. The perfect sandals for themselves will be found by both frisky children and beloved mothers for whom comfortable footwear is the basis.

Summer is a beautiful time, you should take advantage of every ray of sunshine and go for walks from the car. Children love it! We know that for parents, every outing with a toddler is getting ready to conquer the cosmos, but a smile on the toddler's face can reward this effort. We once met with the statement that a child should buy good shoes, and adults can wear anything. We only agree with the first part of this sentence.

A toddler's foot, like a toddler's entire body, is shaping and growing. Incorrectly selected footwear can result in, for example, problems with posture. It's a good idea to provide your child with the best shoes, but adults shouldn't wear poor-quality shoes either. First of all, shoes made of plastic and other materials of the current fashion prevent the foot from breathing and adversely affect the comfort. The second thing is the short shelf life. Poor quality shoes have to be constantly replaced with new ones. It is neither ecological nor profitable. Fortunately, trends are starting to move in the right direction: what is also fashionable is that which is quality and timeless in its own way. Salt Water sandals fit perfectly into this healthy approach to fashion.

Salt Water children's leather sandals are waterproof. Thanks to this, neither walking on the beach nor running home in the rain will not affect the appearance of aesthetic shoes. Salt Water sandals with rubber sole are perfect for spending time by the water. You can also wash them under water so that they are always like new. Salt Water summer shoes perfectly fit the shape of the foot, and brass buckles provide the possibility of additional adjustment.

Salt Water sandals are undoubtedly a long-term purchase - for adults - and a great investment for children. You can easily sell high-quality leather sandals to be used by another adolescent toddler. In this way, you will actively contribute to reducing garbage on Earth. It's good to know that the fashion industry is responsible for most of the damage human activity has caused to nature. It's nice that we live in a time that gives a choice. Let's try to leave our children a better world.

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