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Do you know FASHLO - the segment in the Miss Lemonade store where we sell second-hand clothes? And not just any hand, because these are clothes sent by customers of our store! Put simply, it is a kind of commission where parents can sell their children's clothes. We focus only on luxury brands, at the same time contributing to environmental protection and promotion of brands that are really worth investing in.

The clothes of luxury brands enchant with high quality. It's fun to wear T-shirts, pants and dresses that don't bite, don't cause allergies, let air through and compliment our beauty. Luxurious clothes have another very important advantage: they are durable. A good cotton dress can easily go from hand to hand and is unlikely to end up in a landfill quickly. In the case of children's clothes, it is even better because kids are growing in size and are never able to wear clothes for more than a few months. So if we invest in reputable, sustainable brands, we can resell these great clothes after these few months. For this purpose, we have created FASHLO - a tab on the Miss Lemonade website with preowned clothes, i.e. those that already had an owner.

Preowned baby clothes look brand new and, by the way, are cheaper. When buying second-hand clothes, we use items that are already in circulation. In this way, we do not support socially and environmentally harmful commercial networks, and we do not contribute to littering the planet with fast fashion clothes. There are so many of them that (ironically) people in developing countries can pick up fashionable clothes with tags from the landfill for free. On the other hand, they have nothing to eat, because brands earning billions (!) Only offer a starvation wage. This carousel of tragedy has to be stopped, but the fast-fashion makers won't do it on their own.

Second-hand clothes are becoming more and more popular and while buying is easy and fun, selling clothes from your own wardrobe is more complicated. This requires additional work and contact with potential buyers, and we realize that you usually do not have time for this. Therefore, at FASHLO, we sell and promote preowned clothes for you. All you need to do is create an account, fill out the form and wait for approval. After accepting the form, just send us the clothes and this is where your role ends. Just remember a few things.

We only sell clothes of the brands selected by us, listed in the form.

Clothes for sale must be clean and undamaged.

It is important that the clothes have internal tags.

The owner of the displayed clothes will receive 40% of the price of the clothes at the time of sale.

50% of the price of the clothes stays in the store - it covers the costs of maintaining and running a FASHLO store. The commission is not run for profit.

FASHLO is an initiative through which we contribute to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting a sustainable lifestyle. We are convinced that in the future there will be more such initiatives, but not all stores will offer such good quality clothes. We select brands and we are very strict in it. We want clothes to be in circulation as long as possible and we want to help our customers to be more eco-friendly!

We talk about ecology and sustainable purchasing in practically every blog entry. Living in the spirit of less waste is especially dear to us and we have found out that you don't have to lower your comfort of life in order to take care of the planet at the same time. Sometimes, however, we get into a crisis, especially when we read about celebrities flying private planes to buy rolls to the store, or about fast fashion companies launching millions of tons of clothes on the market, knowing that most of it will end up in a landfill in Bangladesh. One can wonder what influence the average Pole has on saving the planet. Jan Kowalski has been able to ride a bicycle to work for 10 years, while a celebrity from the same city will reduce its impact by taking hundreds of plane trips a year. It is the same with clothes. Sustainable clothes are of great quality, but sometimes you can get angry in your heart at the fact that people usually prefer to buy 5 cheap, bad quality sweaters instead of one good one. So what if none of these 5 sweaters will ever be worn and that these clothes together are more expensive than 1 high quality sweater that would have been worn for many years and would still look great. Marketing masters try to make us dependent on purchases and, above all, make us ignore what we buy.

Okay, we complained a bit, and now the positives! Sustainable shopping pays off as much as possible. Jan Kowalski himself will not change the world, but if other compatriots join him, they will be producers of clothes, cosmetics, cars, etc. will be given a clear signal that they need to do more to get people to buy. Thanks to this, we will come to a level where we will produce less, but better. We will all benefit from this.

It's true that good clothes from sustainable brands are more expensive. However, at this price, you also get quality, comfort and prestige. For free, you get the opportunity to resell the clothes when you get bored. It is worth knowing that used clothes from brands such as Bobo Choses, Konges Slojd and many others are sold on Vinted and OLX for decent money. Meanwhile, clothes from chain stores can be sold for a dozen or so zlotys per bag, if anyone is tempted at all. By purchasing sustainably, you reduce your environmental footprint as you fight for a better world for your children. What's more, you do not support brands that use toxic chemicals (because they are cheap) to produce clothes, exploit children and adults, making them work 10-16 hours a day, without time off and with money that is enough for 1 meal a day. It is worth living in the spirit of less waste and always focus on quality, not quantity. Moreover, let us remember that it is not panties that decorate a person, but panties. People are important, not clothes, and together we can create a safer and healthier future for our children.

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