Not all children want to stop playing to take a bath. Some are also afraid of water, which discourages them from washing their heads. Everyday urging for a bath certainly tests the patience of parents, but it is not worth getting angry with the little ones, for whom bathing means a difficult fight with fears. Instead, it's a good idea to show your baby that bathing can be fun and undoubtedly contributes to being just comfortable.
Bath toys were invented for a reason. The child will be happy to follow an example from his favorite fairy tale character, so it is worth inviting a resistant car, a super hero or a barbie doll to take a bath together. We advise against purchasing rubber ducks as they do not meet safety standards.
Colorful pajamas that encourage the child to wash themselves may also be helpful. It is enough to note that we only put on pajamas after bathing and brushing our teeth.
On the other hand, to show the child that washing the head is not dangerous, it is worth filling a baby bathtub (if you still have one) or a bowl with water and let the baby wash his head. It's worth involving dad in this process, because shorter hair is easier to wash and foams faster, so the kids will have more fun. This game will end with completely wet clothes and a flood around the bowl, but what are not done for the sake of the kids?
The last option will be to make the bath more attractive with bath balls or special paints. And here the new Mini U brand comes to our aid!
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