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A step-by-step guide for parents-to-be - the complete layette!

When awaiting the birth of a child, parents often feel a mixture of emotions: from joy to anticipation to anxiety. Everyone wants this special time to be as seamless and beautiful as possible, although we are aware that having a baby is a huge challenge and things will not always go perfectly. It is therefore crucial to be properly prepared for this new chapter in life, including securing the basic needs of the newborn by completing a layette, preferably before the baby arrives. This guide is aimed at mums and dads-to-be, as well as grandparents who are eagerly awaiting the arrival of their new family member. You will find tips on what to buy, whether the layette should be adapted to the sex of the baby and how to cope with the birth of twins.

Individual layette, unisex or for twins?

The decision on the choice of clothes and accessories is up to you. You may lean towards gender-specific colours and patterns, but you may just as well choose a unisex option, which has its advantages, such as the ease of passing the clothes on to other children or being eco-friendly. It is important to remember that colours do not define a baby's gender or personality, and that basic needs are common to all babies.

For twins, regardless of gender, you can choose similar clothes, especially those in universal colours like white. For a girl, soft skirts or leggings can be added, and for a boy, dungarees or cotton shirts. It is important to remember to buy double the amount of some accessories, such as blankets or sleeping bags.


Let's also take care of mum

The postpartum period is a unique time for both the newborn and the mother, involving many changes - physical, emotional and life changes. During this delicate phase of a new mother's adaptation to her role, the support of those around her is invaluable. Often, we focus on the needs of the baby without realising how important it is to also take care of the mother's wellbeing.

Small gestures of appreciation and support can make a huge difference to a young mum, helping her to feel valued and supported. A gift when visiting, although it seems like a small thing, can be a powerful source of positive energy for her. Such gifts don't have to be expensive or exquisite; it's the intention and thought behind them that counts.

Where to buy a layette?

In the digital age, when every moment is at a premium, online shopping is becoming not only convenient, but also economical. It is therefore worth directing your steps to online shopping spaces that specialize in offering products for the little ones, such as Miss Lemonade.

Miss Lemonade stands out from other online stores thanks to the fact that its offer has been carefully composed by people who are parents themselves and perfectly understand the needs and challenges of preparing a layette for a newborn. Here you will find not only a wide selection of high-quality products, but also proven and recommended by experienced moms and dads solutions that will work well in the first months and years of a child's life.

Each product has been selected to provide maximum comfort and safety for the toddler, as well as taking into account ecological aspects and sustainability.

In addition, online stores often offer attractive promotions and discounts, making it possible to find high-quality products at more affordable prices.

Another plus is the ability to browse and shop without leaving home, at any time of the day or night, which for busy parents or those expecting the birth of a child, is extremely important. Home delivery is another advantage, eliminating the need to carry heavy bags and allowing you to focus on other preparations before the baby is born.

Everything you need in one place.

Preparing a Baby Layette for Every Season

Planning a layette for a newborn or infant requires forethought and adaptation to changing weather conditions throughout the year. Here's how to best prepare for each season, taking care of the comfort and safety of the little ones.

In summer, it's crucial to protect your baby's delicate skin from the sun's intense rays. Light and airy clothes made of natural materials, such as cotton, are essential to keep the little one comfortable thermally and allow the skin to breathe. Don't forget a wide-brimmed hat or a baseball cap to protect the head and eyes from the sun. In addition, a special cream with a high UV filter, safe for infants, and lightweight blankets made of natural fibers are an important part of protecting the baby during walks in warmer weather.

Winter weather, on the other hand, requires warmer clothing to protect the baby from low temperatures. Layers are important here - from onesies and sleepwear, to sweaters, to warm socks and booties. Thick blankets, sleeping bags for the stroller and car seat, as well as warm hats and gloves will also prove indispensable. It is worth noting that all these items should be made of soft materials that are friendly to the baby's delicate skin.

Transitional periods, such as spring and autumn, are characterized by changing weather conditions, which requires greater flexibility in the selection of a child's closet. The key here becomes the use of "onion" clothing, which can be easily adjusted to the current temperature by adding or removing individual layers. Lightweight jackets, sweaters, caps, and extra pairs of sleepwear, both thinner and thicker, are essential. In addition, these seasons often bring precipitation, so it's worth getting a waterproof stroller cover to protect your little one from rain and wind.

Understanding your child's needs and preparing adequately for different weather conditions is the key to keeping him safe and comfortable all year round. Customizing the layette according to the season and outdoor activities will allow you to enjoy your time together outdoors regardless of the weather.


Frequently Asked Questions:


  • The water temperature for bathing should be around 37°C for safety and comfort. A bath thermometer may be necessary.
  • The duration of the bath is best limited to 5-10 minutes to avoid chilling the baby.
  • Bathing frequency: it is recommended to bathe the newborn 2-3 times a week, with daily hygiene of the face, hands, skin folds and diaper area.
  • Intimate hygiene differs between the sexes: in girls, the intimate area should be washed gently with warm, boiled water, and in boys, avoid slipping the foreskin, focusing on thoroughly cleaning the scrotum and the area under the penis with warm water.
  • Cosmetics for the newborn should be free of fragrances, dyes and preservatives, preferably if they are natural, organic substances.
  • Diaper changing: Do it at least every three hours or as soon as a bowel movement is detected to prevent flare-ups.
  • Keep nails trimmed with special scissors for newborns, giving them a round shape on the hands and shortening them in a straight line at the feet.
  • Care of the umbilical stump requires keeping it clean and dry, as well as gently removing dirt.
  • Removal of fleeces can be assisted by frequent combing and the use of special oils.
  • Oral hygiene for a baby involves gently cleaning the gums before the appearance of the first teeth with a gauze pad or special wipe.


  • It is advisable to dispense with the traditional quilt for the youngest, as it unnecessarily increases the risk of a baby who does not yet have full control over his body covering his face. Instead, a safer alternative is to use a cone or sleeping bag, which provide the right temperature without compromising safety.
  • Adapting clothing to the prevailing temperature in the room is key. Clothes should be made of natural materials, such as cotton, which provide warmth without the risk of overheating, while allowing freedom of movement.
  • Establishing nightly rituals, such as regular bathing, feeding at a consistent time and quiet activities before bedtime, helps the toddler calm down and better prepare for rest. In addition, white noise devices can mimic the sounds heard in the womb, making it easier to fall asleep through relaxation and soothing.
  • Before bedtime, it's a good idea to prepare the room properly, that is, ventilate and darken the room to create an atmosphere conducive to peaceful rest. This environment should be associated with safety and peace.
  • When choosing a mattress, pay attention to its firmness - it should be medium-firm to adequately support the child's spine. High-elastic foam or latex mattresses are recommended for their even support of the toddler's body. To protect the mattress from violence, it is recommended to use a special waterproof pad to protect the crib from unexpected accidents.


  • Feeding on demand: the basis is to respond to the baby's needs and feed him when he needs it. This is the best way to ensure that the baby gets the right amount of nourishment and to support the bond between mother and child.
  • Increasing lactation: The key to maintaining adequate milk production is to make sure mom has an adequate diet, rich in fluids and valuable nutrients, and to frequently breastfeed her baby. Lactation support teas can also be helpful.
  • Dealing with nipple soreness: To avoid pain and irritation, it is essential to learn proper feeding technique, which ensures that the baby grips the breast properly. If you are having difficulties, it is advisable to seek advice from a lactation consultant. To alleviate the pain of the nipples, it is advisable to air them and use lanolin, which promotes skin regeneration.
  • Using a breast pump: A breast pump can prove to be an invaluable tool for expressing and storing milk, which is especially useful if you need to solve lactation problems such as milk stasis or breast engorgement, as well as for planning a milk supply. Using a breast pump allows you to maintain regularity in pumping and can help increase milk production

Walking and traveling:

  • Pierwszy spacer z noworodkiem: Idealny moment na pierwszy spacer zależy głównie od warunków pogodowych. W ciepłe, bezwietrzne dni można bezpiecznie wybrać się na zewnątrz już dzień po powrocie ze szpitala. W przypadku niekorzystnej aury, warto poczekać kilka dni, a maluszka werandować, czyli stopniowo przyzwyczajać do warunków zewnętrznych, pozostając w zaciszu domowym.
  • Czas trwania spaceru: Początkowo, pierwsze wyjścia powinny być krótkie, nie dłuższe niż 30 minut, z możliwością stopniowego wydłużania czasu spędzanego na świeżym powietrzu, obserwując reakcje i adaptację dziecka do nowego środowiska.
  • Ochrona przed słońcem: Bezpośrednie wystawienie noworodka na działanie promieni słonecznych jest niezalecane. Aby uniknąć ryzyka poparzeń słonecznych czy udaru, należy zawsze dbać o odpowiednie zacienienie wózka oraz stosować odzież ochronną, kiedy to możliwe.
  • Ochrona przed komarami: Skutecznym sposobem na ochronę dziecka przed owadami jest użycie moskitiery na wózek. Dodatkowo, można zastosować preparaty odstraszające owady, przeznaczone specjalnie dla niemowląt i posiadające stosowne atesty.
  • Pierwsze wakacje z dzieckiem: Zaleca się, aby w pierwszych miesiącach życia noworodka unikać dalekich podróży, które mogą wiązać się z nagłą zmianą klimatu i dodatkowym stresem dla dziecka oraz mamy, zwłaszcza w okresie połogu. Decyzja o podróży powinna być podjęta z uwzględnieniem indywidualnego rozwoju dziecka i jego zdolności adaptacyjnych do nowych warunków.

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