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Toys for babies - are they necessary? Choosing safe toys for babies

Even adults cannot imagine childhood without toys, although it may seem that babies are not yet interested in playing. However, a baby's development is ongoing from the moment of birth, so everything in a toddler's environment matters. We suggest which toys for babies are worth looking out for.

Toys in an infant's environment, what do they offer?

The first weeks of a baby's life are a time when he or she mainly sleeps. The infant's nervous system is very sensitive at this time and it does not need additional stimuli. It is thought that the baby can be shown his first toys two weeks after birth. Of course, these should be toys adapted to the needs of infants. Moreover, it makes no sense to build up a large collection of infant toys. A few rattles and teethers will suffice. Cuddly toys are also an interesting option, as we will discuss in a moment.

Toys in a baby's environment benefit the development of the senses: sight and hearing. Babies cannot yet grasp, but they can feel every touch. You have probably already guessed that toys for babies are in fact gadgets present in the baby's environment. Up to a certain point, the baby will only be able to react to the colours of the tag visible above the cot, the noise of a favourite rattle or the soft touch of the first cuddly toy. To an adult, these experiences seem superfluous, but to a person who came into the world a few weeks earlier, such stimuli greatly help to form new connections in the brain (in a nutshell). Experts recommend, with good reason, that you speak to your infant as often as possible, as this benefits his or her development, even though he or she cannot join in the conversation. At least until he learns to babble - then the baby will respond with understanding to all our revelations. The same goes for colours and, in time, shapes. Every new object in the baby's environment stimulates his brain to work.




First toys for babies, what to look out for?

Every parent knows perfectly well how delicate babies are. There is a reason why we use special cosmetics for babies and washing powders for baby clothes. Such young children are not yet immune to factors that older children and adults do not have to worry about. The thin and sensitive skin of an infant requires special care. Every object in the baby's environment should be soft, without sharp edges and relatively lightweight. When choosing a toy for an infant, we must take into account the fact that at some point it will be chewed, tossed and cuddled with all its strength. What's more, by the time a baby learns to grasp and basic forms of play, he or she will be enthusiastically wiggling his or her arms and legs, so the space around the baby must be free of heavy, not entirely 'secure' toys.

The material used to make toys for babies is also very important. It is advisable to choose gadgets that are certified and from verified sources. Without toxic paints, phthalates, BPA, lead and formaldehyde. These types of additives are unfortunately common in cheap toys made in China. UOKiK stresses that even one in three toys reaching the Polish market is contaminated with harmful toxins. These toxins are then absorbed through the toddler's skin or enter the body when the child chews on the toy.

In summary, baby toys should be the right shape and size, and the most important thing is the material of construction. Baby toys made of natural materials work best: plush toys made of wool and cotton, teethers made of silicone and natural rubber, rattles made of wood, etc. In the case of plastic toys, it is necessary to pay attention to the type of paints used, as well as the composition of the plastic itself, to exclude the presence of harmful additives.

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Recommended toys for babies

We mentioned earlier that the best toys for babies are those that stimulate sight and hearing. Consequently, every self-respecting toddler should have a rattle of some kind in their equipment. We happen to have a very timely toy on offer. The Mushroom Rattle from Konges Slojd looks like a combination of a large boletus and a red toadstool, but baby can cuddle and bite it to his heart's content. The fabric rattle made of organic cotton (with a touch of nylon) is non-toxic and very pleasant to the touch. It also makes a pleasant sound with the bell inside.

Another very interesting option are plush music boxes for hanging over the cot. Each time the string is pulled, a charming melody is played, which every little one will love. The Konges Slojd Music Petite pendant is also made of fabric, so is a completely safe gadget. And for massaging the gums, the Konges Slojd Loopy Lemons silicone teether is perfect.

Last but not least, there is a wonderful collection of cuddly toys for babies from Main Sauvage. The wool plushies are hypoallergenic, gentle on the skin (no biting) and extremely cute. We particularly liked the cuddly teddy bears in the shape of beads. Soft teddy bears can accompany a child from infancy to the end of childhood, to become a wonderful reminder of carefree years in adolescence and adulthood.

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