The story of the Salt Water Sandals brand begins during the difficult times of World War II, in 1944. At the time, Americans faced daily restrictions - from food rationing to petrol and clothing. All of this was the result of massive wartime demands, which consumed significant amounts of raw materials. The US Office of Price Administration struggled to ensure that basic products were available to everyone - hence the coupon system that regulated consumption.
In these uncertain times, Walter Hoy, a worker in a military boot factory, came up with the idea of using leather waste to create footwear. His first creation was a pair of sandals for his daughter Margery. These inconspicuous beginnings quickly turned into something much bigger - families from all over St Louis began asking Hoy about the possibility of creating sandals for their children. Enforced by wartime shortages, Hoy's creativity gave birth to something that was to become an iconic American fashion statement.
Over the years, the Hoy Shoe Co, founded by Walter Hoy, has evolved, adapting to changing needs and trends. Today, the Salt Water brand and its sister line Sun-San are synonymous with high quality and style. They are manufactured from waterproof leather, perfect for the beach, the city or an out-of-town trip. Over the years, these sandals have evolved from a practical solution to a fashionable must-have, worn by fashionable people all over the world.
What sets Salt Water Sandals apart is not only their fashionable design and durability, but also the unique history and values they reflect. Behind every pair of these sandals is a story of innovation, family entrepreneurship and the ability to survive and adapt to changing circumstances. Salt Water Sandals are more than footwear; they are a symbol of the American ability to turn hardship into success and style.
Today, when you choose a pair of Salt Water Sandals, you are not only investing in quality and comfort, you are also becoming part of this remarkable story that began over 75 years ago with a simple idea during a time of global conflict. Salt Water Sandals are proof that fashion and functionality can go hand in hand with history and culture.
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